The history
Finca Rio Colorado is the first plantation of the project Umami Area Honduras SA de CV. Acquired in 2017, the plantation represents the first stage of a Sustainability Entrepreneurship project aimed at producing quality Arabica coffee. The plantation stretches over approximately 46 hectares of land. Two rivers mark its northern and southern boundaries: the rio Rauco and the Rio Colorado. The rivers meet at the southernmost border of the plantation and ow into the nearby city of Corquin. The Arabica plants grown in this land are rather old. With an estimated age of 40 years, they were among the first to be planted in this area. Umami Area Honduras is working alongside Trieste’s DNA- Analytica laboratory to undertake DNA analysis and identify the botanical variety in order to start a repopulation project and set up a nursery to grow the plants.The plantation is adjacent to Celaque National Park, a UNESCO universal heritage site which contains the most important stretch of protected forest for this Central American Country. Deforestation is banned inside the park and the majority of indigenous local communities depend on the production of co ee for their livelihoods. The Finca Celaque project aims to give work to nearby local communities, providing livelihood support particularly during times of the year when no ripe crops are harvested. Arabica is currently grown in the plantation, with varieties including Bourbon, Typica, Catuaì, Lempira, IHACFE 90 and fruits ripening from October until March. The technical sta of the local COCAFCAL Cooperative of Las Capucas and local plantation workers have started to upgrade their farming practices in order to certify their coffee as organic.